
Faith-Based War: From 9/11 to Catastrophic Success in Iraq, by T. Walter Herbert (Equinox Press, 2009) Herbert, a university professor and United Methodist layman, asks Americans to look honestly at whether our Christian political leaders’ interpretations of the Christian message have brought peace to our nation and the world. He finds that from early America until now, leaders have often practiced an imperialist militarism that is the opposite of what true Christianity teaches. Read more about his views in the January 2010 Connections.

War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, by Chris Hedges (Anchor/Random House, 2002) Hedges is a seminary graduate and award-winning journalist who has covered numerous recent wars. I wish his analysis of the meaning and characteristics of war were being discussed in all churches. Read more about this thought-provoking book in the May 2008 Connections.

War: A Primer for Christians, by Joseph L. Allen  (SMU Press, 1991/2001) As I said in the March 2002 Connections, this book by a professor of Christian ethics gives a good summary of the just-war tradition and other ways in which conscientious Christians have responded to war.